Home So where have I been?

So where have I been?

Haven’t posted in a while. What have I been doing? Not sitting on my a** that’s for sure. …well I have. But only cause I haven’t gotten a standing desk yet. …anyways.


To backup, the first things I’ve done in building out my IT was not the blog. I’ve building servers and networking since 2020. Most of what I do is in my garage.

I have a 64GB 16 Core box that turns electricity into heat. I also have a couple other compute boxes and NASes and routers and switches and Pi all doing… stuff… I’ll get into the hardware and the stack at… some point.


I’ll let you in on a taste that’s one of my favorite tools. Ansible. To back up, I’m a big believer in separating the OS, the Config, and the Data as much as possible. This means if the OS takes a poop or I just don’t like it. I can wipe it away and I still have all the configs and data. The easiest two things I use for this is Ansible and external storage. Ansible can define the configuration you; What setting were used to make the app. And it can help define the data. There isn’t much philosophical difference between configs and data, mostly just the data size and backups.

What happened to AWS?

I’ve actually left this blog up on AWS the whole time. I moved it away from ECS and to EC2 cause that was easier. But not only did I not update the posts, I didn’t touch the instance. The only thing I did was add an uptime kuma tracker to it. I’ve recently moved to to my on-prem servers. I want to spend some time really learning AWS and that’s hard to do on the free tier when you have 1 EC2 instance taking up 720 hours a month just sitting there.

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